Behind the question “how?” that prevailed in companies over the last few decades, the question “for what?” has now clearly emerged.
Growing, producing, getting rich, all this continues to be essential, but for what? What is the purpose of the company? On the other hand, what are its responsibilities?
The responsible company, more respectful of society and ecosystems, is taking shape, whether at management-level, investor-level, employee-level, or client-level. Taking this path means working for the development of our companies and their employees, while respecting natural balances. It means thinking differently about how to transform in order to project ourselves into a sustainable future with sustainable economic models.
Without naivety or presumption, such a transformation towards responsibility is an opportunity to build a company that is better anchored in our century, distinct from the ultra-liberal model and other forms of authoritarian capitalism that are emerging in certain regions of the world. Nothing is more powerful, as we say, than an idea whose time has come!
As a “Entreprise à mission” with a B Corp label, we are excited about this project. Our experience, based on our journey with our clients, confirms that the pursuit of societal objectives is only fruitful if it is embodied in the decisions of the leader and in the implementation of systems that make all employees accountable. This observation strongly resonates with our business practice, which does not dissociate strategy from management and cultural issues, and thinks of the company outside its walls, in terms of its impact on its stakeholders and society.
We assist our clients in designing and implementing their transformations, whether strategic, organizational, or cultural. Convinced that a transformation is even more powerful if it is sociodynamic, i.e. if it generates and uses the energy of the people in the company, we encourage our clients to think and play with time differently. We think it is possible to govern, mature, act and make people act simultaneously. We think it is possible to act quickly while taking the time to help teams grow over time. On these three types of commitment to action, we are constantly innovating in our approaches, which we strive to pass on to our clients.
To work as closely as possible with each employee, to deploy the transformation to the last mile and to anchor it in the long term, Kea relies on Arkos, a Kea Group company specialized in the deployment of complex transformations with large teams (several tens of thousands of people). With Arkos, we change the standards and methodologies of traditional consulting on their heads by designing experiences for employees that profoundly transform their behaviors, and by deploying these changes at the finest level of the organization in a time and budget optimized by industrialization.
For us, helping companies to transform themselves into responsible companies does not consist in giving a moral lesson, but rather in raising awareness and reflecting on the company’s purpose in all its dimensions. Although the experiments to transform the company into a responsible one are numerous, current times allow for projects to be realized on a larger scale:
the will to do better is instilled in people’s minds; the pressure from citizens is growing; the Pact law sets a framework for the purpose and the mission of companies; the private/public balance is changing in nature; reliable solutions exist and show that another way of developing the company is possible. As strategy consultants, we have a key role to play: to incite, to carry the voice, to influence our clients to the best of their responsibilities and to accompany them on this path of transformation. To do this, our approach to responsibility places as much importance on the goals as on the means and is based on our reference tool around 9 fields of action.
The greatest challenge for companies is precisely to transform their model to adapt it to the realities of the century, or to put it another way, to reconcile performance and the common good. To do this, we develop a strategic transformation approach with management teams to act on the three levels of responsibility: to be compliant, to ensure the sustainability of the business, and to contribute to the common good. The three levels of responsibility evolve very quickly, and elements of sustainability swiftly become elements of compliance, while elements of the common good become elements of sustainability, requiring the company to adapt and even anticipate them.
Kea supported the development of a dedicated organization within a major fashion brand to carry out the commitments defined in terms of responsibility, particularly within the framework of the Fashion Pact, whose objective is 100% renewable energy by 2030 and zero carbon emissions by 2050
Kea has co-designed a new model of accessibility to healthcare for the poorest people thanks to digital solutions, in line with the WHO’s objective of universal medical coverage by 2030
Transformation is the core business on which Kea & Partners was built. Our clients recognize that we have specific know-how in this area. We train all our consultants from their first steps in this strategic discipline, to make them true transformers at heart, relying on methodologies and a robust toolbox. They all share the belief that strategy, corporate culture and technology are inseparable.
When we co-design major transformation programs with our clients, we ensure that they integrate this 360* vision, combining “cold” and “hot” levers, acting on the tangible and intangible, and activating all the levers of the organizational system to build the transformation strategy and ensure a maximum ripple effect.
We believe in the potential of men and women, in talent and in progress through a new form of commitment. Beyond the tools and methods of analysis, we have developed modes of interaction and action that enable this individual, collective and organizational development in the service of the employee experience.
The Kea Group offers a wide range of profiles and skills to build a system that is as close as possible to our clients’ transformation challenges: sector experts, functional experts, trainers, coaches & mentors, facilitators (physical & digital) and specific experts (innovation designer, data analyst, econometric expert…). This diversity allows us to support companies in:
The upstream phase of design and drive of the transformation to define the ambition and the trajectory, considering their specific strategic context, their culture, and the size of the step to be taken. Through co-construction, this exercise allows us to design a target that reflects the company and ensures that the objectives set are achieved, in line with the business challenges.
The support and management of the transformation, by designing the path and modes of action, by mobilizing the agents of change already present in our clients, by engaging the management in this transformation and by managing the risks. Our methods allow to raise awareness of the need for transformation (case for change) and to effectively set teams in motion
The transmission of change methodologies and tools to the teams to make them autonomous and ensure that the transformation dynamics will last after our support. This transmission dimension is important to us and is one of our distinguishing features.
In addition, to evaluate and develop our clients’ capacity to transform, we have developed a digital tool – the Net Transformer Score (NTS) – which measures, through a quick survey of employees, the transformation capacity of a team or an organization. The results allow us to identify team dynamics and the levers to be activated. They feed the reflection on the transformation strategy, the scope of the action program to be launched and the way to set the whole company in motion.
Faced with a structural tension in the business (deterioration in sales prices and rising costs), we accompanied our client in reaffirming its sector leadership: consolidation of transformation issues by function, construction of a common vision, setting teams in motion, and management of the transformation and the cultural changes (particularly managerial) to be carried out
Kea carried out the diagnosis of the existing organization, the identification of transformation opportunities, and the definition of the organization and governance scheme at the Group and network levels. This phase enabled the development of the business case and support for the design and management of the change alongside the client
Agile transformations have a very systemic impact on the entire operational model, right down to the very definition of “value”. Requiring, above all, a change in mindset from all (including senior management), they are impossible to design and plan in detail upstream. Experimenting as much as possible, before making compromises, appears to be the only effective way to achieve it.
We support our clients in this transformation, working iteratively on all areas: structure, governance, leadership, culture, project approach, management roles, stakeholder management, project portfolio management, resource allocation & staffing.
Beyond the transition to agile, we encourage our clients to become “alert companies”, to adapt to a world where everything becomes volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous: the alert company strengthens its ability to detect weak signals and anticipate the changes to be made, as well as its ability to decide and act quickly in the face of the unexpected and the opportunities. It is in this sense that we have developed an ad hoc model – 5 parts, 30 components, a guide to action for companies that want to be one step ahead.
Depending on our client’s ambition and maturity in agile methodology, we accompany them from the definition and implementation of an agile operating systems (“framework”) that correspond to them, to the design of agile behaviors, agile processes, or the scaling of agile.
To accelerate the delivery of projects and allow for greater responsiveness to market changes, Kea contributed to the definition and deployment of agile behaviors within the teams
Kea organized the merger of the IT and marketing teams through an agile organization and work methods to accelerate the implementation of digital technologies
It is in Kea & Partners’ DNA to define and implement an integrated transformation, combining strategy and culture. And for good reason: whether we care about it or not, the culture of our company influences our most strategic decisions and guides our actions. It is a strong vector of identity and unity, often a factor of pride and commitment, and therefore a source of performance. But is it aligned with the strategy?
When critical shifts have to be negotiated – the arrival of new players, disruption, mergers of entities – some parts of our cultural heritage may reveal to be too heavy to bear or too limiting. Many merger situations attest it. On the other hand, some of the largest companies are showing that it is possible to act on culture and make it a major factor of differentiation and competitiveness.
That is why we help our clients to make culture a key asset of their company, so that it can succeed in a triple challenge: to be authentically responsible, to innovate, to generate wealth and create its future, and to transform itself.
On this subject, one we are passionate about, we are fortunate to accompany, on an international scale, the leaders of companies in a wide variety of sectors at key moments, when questioning the culture proves to be decisive: vision, strategic shift, the first 100 days of the new leader, transformation, merger, new organization… The cultural reflection can then focus on strategic agility, innovation speed , operational excellence, quality, safety, employee commitment, or even customer centricity. Each company orients this process according to its challenges, its DNA, and its context to serve its strategy and increase its performance. This correlation is objective.
There are measurement tools, such as the Cultural Value Assessment (CVA), one of the cultural transformation tools developed by Richard Barrett that Kea regularly deploys (editor’s note: Kea is accredited by the Barrett Values Center). Using the CVA and its survey instrument, consultants assess the cultural health of an organization based on personal, perceived, and desired values. It is quite easy to measure the economic loss represented by the hindered values: for example, operating in silos can lead to lost business, the absence of customer concern sabotages the development dynamics… all these cultural failures are, in fact, things to explore to enhance performance.
To go further on the subject, we launched the think tank “Quart d’Heure d’Avance Culture et Stratégie” at the end of 2017, bringing together twenty managers and practitioners concerned with innovation, keen to exchange and co-construct on this strategic subject between peers.
Kea managed the structuring, the driving and the implementation of the cultural transformation around security (workshops, experimentations, forums) which allowed the implementation of measures at several levels: technical documentation, pilot management, structure and organization, safety management…
To make the operation concrete, Kea accompanied the launch of a cultural transformation plan to support the strategy as a new entity: cultural diagnosis (interviews, listening groups, quantitative questionnaire on culture) and mapping of cultural archetypes, then co-construction and deployment of the desired common culture
2020 was a pivotal year in the acceleration of changes in work, with a rethinking of ways of working. While the extent and durability of the changes taken are still unknown, especially regarding telecommunication, these phenomena are pushing companies to prepare for the future.
All companies are concerned. Right now. And the possibilities are numerous:
remote working, flexible work schedules, coworking in outsourced locations, reconfiguration of offices, digitalization of processes, advent of ”worktech”, demand for well-being… Though there is no ready-made solution, the ambition of the General Management is strong and the movement irreversible. The teams themselves lead the way and contribute to reshaping new working ways.
With more than 20 years of research and publications on the ”New Ways of Working”, shared regularly through our publications (La Revue, Baromètre Valeurs des Français, Lettre de la sociodynamique…), we are committed to accompany our clients in this reinvention and re-enchantment of work by reconciling 3 dimensions: organization & management; human & collective; space time & means.
We have multiple experiences that integrate the different components of work (re)design: work organization, managerial practices, cultural transformation, office spaces… and the requirement of successful deployments. The projects we carry out frequently include a work diagnosis, clarification of the intention and strategic coherence, external inspiration (innovation and trends in management, organization, time, and workspaces), co-construction in action with managers and teams, measurement and management of transformations, and work with social partners. We regularly combine the wealth of our expertise with the mobilization of targeted experts in certain areas (offices of tomorrow, designers, etc.) depending on the need.
Challenged by the pandemic and the new work rhythms linked to the recent context, our client’s managerial community was supported by Kea in the sharing and development of new and remote managerial skills: motivation at work, management of emotions, stress management, responsibility as a manager.
Kea has accompanied, alongside managers, the design and deployment of new practices on different sites: identification of issues, development of a new ”managerial contract” and a kit of best practices, onboarding of teams via appropriation and training sessions and management
The circular economy is a real revolution in production and thinking, opening new ways to build the future. To make the most of its full potential, it is not just a matter of compliance, but appropriating different growth paradigms. Some players have already taken began and see the circular economy as a virtuous circle from raw material sourcing to product end-of-life.
FMCG, financial services, industry… all sectors can contribute to the circular economy and find development opportunities in it. Kea strives to encourage its clients to find the right levers, define the right model, driving a cultural transformation.
Our approach is systemic and calls upon specific and targeted know-how required to successfully carry out the transformations induced by the circular economy, to solve its technical complexity and to foster a constructive dialogue between multiple stakeholders.
We conduct 3 main types of transformation:
Strategic transformation: Vision, multi-stakeholder alignment, alliance strategy, new business models, innovation, development of offers and products
Cultural transformation: Governance, structure, cooperation maieutics
Transformation into and towards responsibility: operations (responsible purchasing / manufacturing / supply chain), reduction of environmental impact, CSR charter, sustainable performance indicators and measurement of contribution to the preservation of common elements
In a context of progressive banning of single-use plastics and changing consumption patterns, the food industry is looking for new solutions. In a multi-stakeholder approach, we explored different options, evaluated their economic and environmental impacts, and explored their implementation conditions
The arrival of EPR will encourage the development of new recycling and reuse channels for building materials. We assisted our client in identifying and qualifying opportunities, enabling it to define its strategic priorities in the sectors, with an associated business plan to guide its actions over the next 3 to 5 years
R. Dr. Renato Paes de Barros, 714 – 113
Itaim Bibi – 04530-001
São Paulo – Brasil
Kea, a multi-specialist consulting group:
Kea & Partners
Tilt ideas
Kea Executives
KLA Consultoria Ltda. 2023 | CNPJ 18.270.604/0001-13