Management & Leadership

Although innovation is at the heart of our companies’ performance, attention is still too often focused on digital innovation and its technological prowess; the economic or ecological innovation, forgetting the men and women behind it. Today, more than ever, managerial innovation must be on executives’ agenda.

How we support our clients

It is commonplace to say that the company and its social body are simultaneously going through a period of profound changes at an increasingly accelerated pace. Competencies make no exception to this observation: we talk about a “reskilling emergency”: the question is no longer knowing what to learn, but being ready to adopt new skills in the company, by creating a permanent learning dynamic. Beyond the question of skills, it is the whole company that is transforming, reconfiguring, and adapting to its environment and its new rhythms.

Since the beginning, Kea & Partners has been innovating in the art and the way of transforming organizations, notably through constant R&D work in the field of managerial innovation. This research has led us to design companies that are transformative, adaptive, capable of anticipation, agile, learning… These new kinds of companies need a rethought management and organization. While there is a growing consensus on the need to free up initiative in companies in order to adapt to increasing complexity, the question of ”how” is almost a blank page… our teams are tackling this issue to solve it!

As heirs to Jean-Christian Fauvet’s work on sociodynamics, we help teams get moving together, a skill that our clients recognize as a unique expertise. We regularly work on projects with KeaPrime, the Kea Group’s dedicated team that develops the ability and desire of individuals to transform their company. Because the generation of engagement is to be found in the interactions between the emotions, thoughts, and behaviors of everyone, KeaPrime combines offers and areas of expertise at the crossroads of consulting, individual or group coaching and training. Discover KeaPrime’s approach to learning here.

Similarly, our own transformation into a responsible company, based on our path to becoming a "Entreprise à mission" company and a B Corp, has led us to evolve our client relationship. In addition to supporting the company and its projects, we are also developing our managers and their teams. We have thus created a team entirely dedicated to this kind of support: Kea Executives.

Our know-how


Manager, putting the work back on the job

The manager, the P.A.N.A.C.E.E (Panacea)

Not a day goes by without the publication of a new point of view on the company and the manager of tomorrow. People talk about “flattening the pyramids”, shortening decision-making circuits, decompartmentalizing structures and making them more horizontal, creating cooperation networks, trusting employees by giving them the power to decide, promoting benevolence, risk-taking and entrepreneurship, but also inventing ephemeral, symbiotic organizations…

Among these ideas, there is one constant: focusing on people! As a corollary, the manager remains a key conductor, regardless of the company’s organizational and strategic choices.

At Kea, we are used to saying that the manager is the “PANACEE”: he or she is the bearer of meaning (“Porteur de Sens”), the performance Actor (“Acteur de Performance”), the link builder (“Noueur de Lien”), the team Animator (“Animateur d’équipe”), the Communicator, the talent breeder (“Eleveur de Talents”), the business Expert (“Expert Métier”). It is with these 7 ingredients and our recognized know-how in sociodynamics that we work with our clients to set up managerial models to match their objectives, management styles and contexts (to be discovered here). Even in the most autonomous organizations, the manager continues to play a key role, especially in creating cooperative links between their teams and their ecosystem. To learn more about autonomy, discover La Revue n°20, the paths to autonomy in the company.

Our managerial transformation projects

While some of our coaching projects lead us to revisit management models, our clients sometimes specifically ask us to address this issue to create the best conditions for the execution of their strategic ambition.

New organization and management methods for a service provider

Kea supported the redrawing of the perimeters and the operational implementation of the organization charts of each sector, before redefining the new roles and responsibilities of each person and setting up new management rituals to align the cultures and the indicators to be managed

Mobilization of the managers of a banking player

Kea relied on the managerial line to ensure the transformation of the banking group: transformation plan, anticipation of operational ruptures, and organization of teams. Our teams also supported the transformation team’s rise to power by transmitting our framing, transformation, and management know-how


Unleashing the performance potential

Interweaving the 3 levels: individual, collective, and organizational

The company experiences pivotal moments during which the team dynamics (codir, BU, division…) may require a new impetus: new business project, reorganization, failure, strategic break… (Re)creating this collective requires a 360° approach to redefine clear and shared objectives, a high-performance operating mode, confidence in oneself and in others, defined roles and shared expectations, an effective decision-making process and clear communication.

Beyond the collective, it is also crucial to act on the individual and organizational dimensions: working on individual aspirations and the contribution of each person to the collective, reconnecting individuals and the collective to the organization are compulsory practices to establish team dynamic.

In collaboration with KeaPrime, we help leaders, managers. and employees fully unleash their performance potential by developing collective intelligence and liberating individual leadership. As consultants, coaches and trainers, we adapt our approach to the issues at stake and the context to ensure maximum results.

Our team dynamics projects

With KeaPrime, we draw on our experience in facilitating groups from sizes S to XXL, our professional coaching and self-awareness tool certifications, and the Palo Alto systemic approach to accompany our clients in their projects, depending on the issues at stake: building a collective CODIR and conflict management, structuring a transverse community of managers, getting the team on board for a corporate project, etc.


Positioning the HR function as a player in transformation

HR manager: transformation is your business!

What often strikes us when working with HRDs are the many paradoxes that this function must face. The ideal HR manager must be both forward-looking and hands-on, and know how to reconcile the expectations of employees, shareholders, and managers. As the spokesperson for the institution, he or she is nevertheless the “thorn on the side” of its managers.

He or she is the guarantor of the overall coherence of the organization while maintaining local room for maneuver. As the gardener of the company’s culture, he or she must preserve the organization’s identity while keeping it sufficiently open to the outside world. In this context, we felt it was imperative to provide HR managers with a framework for understanding their position within the institution, in relation to their stakeholders, and to offer them levers for action that would meet their challenges.

Our projects alongside HR managers

We help our HR manager clients position themselves and maneuver through this complexity by analyzing it on two complementary dimensions:

  • The “What” dimension, from the credible contribution to business issues to the control of human factors

  • The ”How” dimension, from a global and strategic vision of its organization in its environment to an action that makes its mark locally, in proximity to the employees

By precisely analyzing the expectations of the HR manager function and those of its stakeholders, we help HR managers to position themselves between the roles of strategic contributor to the transformation, trusted advisor to their peers, operational pilot of their function, and conductor of the human and social strategy. We are convinced that a HR manager that is appropriately positioned in these four roles can meet the challenges of transformation and thus prove to be an indispensable support to general management.

We have devoted a publication to this topic, “HR beyond HR – The path to transformation”..

Defining the contribution of the HR function for an insurance company

Kea supported the transformation of the HR function, with assistance in decision making and operational implementation: identification of HR levers to support the company’s strategy and performance, methodological support, and coaching of HR managers in their managerial capacity to lead their business community

Human resources evolution plan for a satellite operator

Kea supported the construction of a 5-year HR plan based on the business strategy and benchmark data with competition. With CODIR’s involvement in the identification of future needs in skills and critical positions in the organization, our teams built and managed the transformation plan of the organization


Deploying the full power of one’s own personality and the collective power of one’s organization

There is no responsible transformation of the company without transforming the leader

Taking great care of company leaders is also our responsibility as strategy consultants. Their development counts. Especially since they are at the very heart of the transformation of their companies: they must deploy all their personal power to succeed. In line with our commitment as an “Entreprise à mission”, we have created a team of coaches entirely dedicated to executives and their surrounding teams: Kea Executives.

Our executive coaching projects

Whether they like it or not, leaders embody their company. The strength of their personal convictions makes organizations and teams in movement. Such a project is often a solitary journey, complex and paved with obstacles: it is necessary to find the right balance between the short and long term, to win the support of all stakeholders (customers, employees, shareholders), to revisit one’s way of thinking about business and management… all areas where personal support is essential.

Deploying one’s full power as a leader, having the time and space to manage complexity, engaging and aligning management teams, developing the collective power of one’s organization, reinforcing the quality of being and leadership of the Top 100: these are some of the missions that Sophie Combes, Corinne Derive, and Arnaud Tonnelé handle in an integrated way, with 20 to 30 years of experience in coaching and support.